Frühanreise für Spieler
The early arrival ticket allows the arrival to the DrachenFest on Monday before the official arrival day.
Players who are in a build-up team of a camp or in the DrachenFest build-up team do not need this ticket.
Children under 12 also do not pay for early arrival.
Youths 12 years and older need this ticket.
The player ticket allows access to the site from Tuesday, the standard arrival day, and participation as a player at DrachenFest.
In order to participate as a player in a particular camp, you must also register your campsite/group with the camp organizers. The campsite registration can be done in the Regal from about January. There are different requirements and deadlines depending on the camp. When it starts and how to register the campsite we announce as news on Facebook, the official Discord and on our homepage.
At the camps there are so called open camps and closed camps. The closed camps are not organized by DrachenFest itself and there are certain requirements and application procedures to participate in these camps. This concerns the camps: Colony, OrkClan camp, Landsknecht camp, Tribe camp and the White Dragon camp.
(more information about this at the respective camps)
All other camps organized by DrachenFest - with the exception of the blue camp (here certain requirements and an application apply) - can be chosen freely. Since we plan a fixed camp area together with the camp coordinators before DrachenFest, participation in a desired camp is only possible with prior camp site registration at the respective camp. If a registration deadline is missed, a camp space will be assigned where space is still available. This can also be in another camp or on a general alternative site.
Youth under the age of 18 may only participate in DrachenFest if accompanied by an adult supervisor and an appropriate form must be turned in upon entry.
(more information under participation under 18 years)
Children up to 11 years
Children under 12 years old can participate for 0,01€ and do need a ticket. The children are only allowed to participate in the DrachenFest when accompanied by a parent or guardian and an appropriate form must be handed in at the entrance. The children must also be registered with the camp registration, a claim to an extra camp area does not exist, but will be scheduled by us, should it be possible.
(more information under participation under 18 years)
Tickets for youth from 12 to 15 years
Young people from 12 up to and including 15 years can participate with us at a discounted price. Youths from 12 up to and including 18 years (U18) may only participate in the DrachenFest if accompanied by an adult supervisor and an appropriate form must be handed in at the entrance.
Youth are entitled to half the normal player camp space.
(further information under participation under 18 years)
Teens from 16 years of age
Young people from 16 years of age need a normal player ticket.
Youths to and including 18 years of age (U18) are only allowed to participate at the DrachenFest if accompanied by an adult supervisor and an appropriate form must be handed in at the entrance.
(more information under participation under 18 years)
NSC Tickets
NPC tickets for the copper camp
The copper dragon is a NPC camp, as the background and structure are completely inserted into the dragon festival background. Likewise, we would like to use this camp to make it easier to get started in the hobby of larp. (more information under Copper Camp)
Purchasing a copper ticket allows access to the site starting Tuesday, the main arrival day, and participation as a copper NPC at DrachenFest.
Campsite registration can be done starting around January. There are different requirements and deadlines here depending on the camp. When it starts and how to register the campsite we announce as news on Facebook, the official Discord and on our homepage.
Youths under 18 years of age are only allowed to participate in the DrachenFest if accompanied by an adult supervisor and children under 12 years of age are only allowed to participate in the DrachenFest if accompanied by a parent or guardian. An appropriate form must be handed in at the entrance.
(further information under participation under 18 years)
Youth tickets at the copper camp follow the same rules as player youth tickets but have their own registration option.
The copper camp, like every player camp, also has its own set-up team. Participants of the set-up team do not pay for early arrival.
NPC ticket plot
Purchase of a Plot NPC ticket allows access to the site beginning Monday, the early arrival day, with no early arrival surcharge and participation as a Plot NPC at DrachenFest.
(See Types of Participation for more information).
We will contact the plot NPCs prior to the DrachenFest to prepare them for their respective roles. If there is no response to our emails, the Plot-NPC-Ticket will be blocked to prevent misuse.
Participation under the age of 18 as a plot NPC is not possible.
NPC ticket town
Purchasing a Town NPC ticket allows access to the site beginning Saturday, prior to player arrival, with no early arrival surcharge and participation as a Town NSC at DrachenFest.
(more information under Town).
Participation as a city NPC is only possible after prior application to and only after the institution has been approved by the city organization.
Youth under the age of 18 may only participate in DrachenFest if accompanied by an adult chaperone and an appropriate form must be turned in upon entry.
(See Under 18 Participation for more information).
Youth under 18 years of age may only participate in DrachenFest when accompanied by a supervisor of full age and children under 12 years of age may only participate in DrachenFest when accompanied by a parent or guardian. An appropriate form must be handed in at the entrance.
(further information under participation under 18 years)
The same rule applies to tickets for children under 12 as for player tickets. Youths over 12 need a normal city NPC ticket, there is no discount here.