Ticket und Lagerplatzanmeldung
In order to participate in DrachenFest, you must purchase a ticket beforehand. Which tickets are available, you can find under the topic Tickets-Ticket types. As what you can participate, you can find under information-participation types.
As soon as we have assigned your payment to your order and we change the status to confirmed, the system will automatically send your tickets to the email address you provided.
In order to be able to be a part of a camp of your choice, you now have to register your ticket with this camp. There are different requirements for different camps, please inform yourself beforehand in the information about the camps, what these are and if you meet them.
The campsite registration for 2023 will be possible through our internal campsite from April 4th, 2023, onward.
Campsite registration 2023
This campsite registration is binding for all camps. Camps with participation requirements or externally organized camps have their own password protected registration (Blue, White, OCL, Tribes, Colony and LKL). Here you can only register for the camp after consulting the respective organizers, who will give you the password.
If you have questions, problems or wishes, you can contact your respective LPK.
Here is the list of your contact persons with their respective email addresses.
Important notice:
Camp spots of participants who have not registered via this system will not be considered for the allocation of the total size of the respective camp.
In reality this means: 100 people register with their ticket number for camp XY, 40 do not. Camp XY gets space for 100 players in the space allocation, the 40 have to set up camp on alternate spaces or any remaining free spaces on site, but have no guarantee that they will still get into their desired camp. So please pass on the information and register your campsite for your camp.